Cami Richardson

Cami is a proud 68-year-old trans woman who came out in 2016 full-time. For 58 years she hid the fact that she used to wear women’s clothes and had a desire to be a female. Her careers included being a paid firefighter in New York, the Chief Financial Officer of American Ski company and helped take them public, an Entrepreneur, and finally an advocate for the trans and LGBTQ community. She has authored two memoirs, the first called, Do you know who I once was? and more recently another called, Foggy Goggles, which chronicles her career as well as her experience of coming out as a trans woman. She has had the privilege to do a TED Talk and on a local level does what she calls Cami Talks to local organizations to help educate them about diversity, equity, and inclusion. She serves on various LGBTQ boards including Transgender Education Advocates, she is co-chair of the Park City LGBTQ task force and she is on the advisory board for Encircle homes. She has lived in Kamas since 2000 with her amazing and accepting wife, Teri Cook. She looks forward to the Living Library event and to being able to share her experiences that hopefully will benefit those in the community.

Cami is a great person to have a conversation about coming out as transgender in their sixties and what being transgender is like in Park City.


Taylor Matkins


Joe Urankar